Most specialized Fistula and Fissure treatments is availed in your city

Fistula one of the rarest disorders found human beings. It is recognized as an infection caused in the execratory system (anus, to be precise) which grows if not treated and find its way to the outer side of the anus. It creates discomfort and pain and can result in a serious disorder that requires surgery. There can be many causes of Fistula such as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc but normally caused due to blockage in the anus which affects the nearby tissues and causes infection. There are many symptoms of Fistula such as Pain, Redness, Swelling around your anus, Bleeding, Painful bowel movements or urination, Fever, A foul-smelling liquid oozing from a hole near your anus and many more. People suffering from Fistula often look for reliable sources that can give effective results but fail to get one. To address the concern of such people and provide them efficacious medical assistance, we, at Highway Hospital Thane, are providing you with the most reliable Fistula Specialist in Thane West at a price that would definitely fit into your budget.
Fistula Specialist in Thane West

One of the other types of disorders related to the excretory system is Fissure which is so painful and can be serious if not treated on time. There are many symptoms of Fissure such as Severe pain during and after a bowel movement, Bright red blood that appears on the toilet tissue, etc. We are providing you with the most advanced and specialized Fissure Treatment in Thane West at a really affordable price. We are constituted by a team of an experienced medical professional who offers effective medical treatment for Fissure which is aided by technologically advanced medical instruments.

Contact us and get a comprehensive and result-oriented medical treatment for many types of diseases and disorders.


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